From Mumbai I headed off to Rishikesh, yoga capitol of the world. You may have heard of it as the place the Beatles came to write their music and live at an Ashram. I was looking for a week of being in one place, doing a little bit of yoga, and catching up on some work.
I was able to do all that and more as I took in a cooking class which was beyond phenomenal, check out this guy here and seriously it’s easier than you think. I walked around town, over a bridge with monkeys, and got to wake up and look at mountains everyday. Mountains make me happy. Even if I’m not climbing them, seeing them brings me joy, it’s like a breath of fresh air to me. So while I’m learning it takes me a few days to settle in to a place no matter what it is, ultimately it’s good to sit back reflect, and prepare for whats next.
The cooking class was amazing yes, I have recipes, and yes I'll share.
From Rishikesh I came to Delhi. A quick and easy flight and landed in a place that was far more lush than I anticipated. It might be because I'm staying it was seems to be the upscale part of town, but I'm okay with it as I prep for what's next.
Anyway, here are some pictures from Taj Mahal and the Red Fort which I visited with a 2:15 am wake up call to catch part of sunrise - and less crowds. I think I liked the Fort a little better than the Taj, but still cool.
I'm headed to the small synagogue here in Delhi for Shabbat services and may try and report on that at another time, but wanted to share pics...since that's what y'all want! :)
One more of the MONKEY ON MY BALCONY. Couldn't have made it up if I tried.